Press articles
Whether you are buying, selling or improving, our helpful articles are packed full of ideas that will add value to your home.
Starting out
Most building projects fall into four main categories, some of which will
require planning permission and/or a Party Wall Agreement with your
Choosing the right builder
Do your research. A building firm could be in your home for several weeks, so it is important that you trust them. Read more...
What to do if..
..anything goes wrong.
Be realistic - Builders aren't mind readers, so if your project is not going
to plan you must spell it out and explain what you do want. Read more...
Seasonal checklist
A stitch in time. . .
Top 10 "Tips for Success"
Having builders in ranks as one of the most stressful times of your life Read more...
Preparing for winter
Keep cool, keep talking and keep it friendly.
Spotting & avoiding a Cowboy
With builders in your home and amongst your family and possessions, it is inevitable that stress levels will be high. Read more...
Working with your builder
Once you have chosen a builder, put your agreement in writing, so both
parties have a clear understanding of the scope and cost of the work. Read
Improve or Move?
A well-planned home improvement project will add to the sales potential of your property whether you sell immediately or a few years down the line. Read more...
Before You Buy
Phil Spencer presenter of Channel 4's Location, Location and MD of Garrington Home Finders explains how to get organised.
Calculating Building Costs
Maintaining and improving the outside of your home is well worth the investment and will always make it more marketable. Read more...
Jargon Buster
If you don't know your purlin from your pointing, our jargon-busting glossary of builders' terms should help.
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